Beverly Hills 90210....

Tuesday, July 8, 2008 7:04 PM Posted by Melissa
So I just got a letter in the mail informing of a rate increase for cable. Usually this would piss me off, but not today. Why? Because I can sit on my big ass and watch reruns of Beverly Hills 90210. I was addicted to the show back in the day and it appears this will be a life long battle. No matter how ridiculous their outfits are, Tori Spellings bad acting and blue eye shadow, the fact that there is no way in hell any of them is in within 10 yrs of the age of the character they still reels me in. Matt may sit their and roll his eyes- but dammit this show was groundbreaking. Cutting, rape, eating disorders, pill popping, single mothers, the list goes on. All I have to say is- what's not to love?

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