Do you ever STFU??!!

I know it has been ages since I had a blog entry, but life has been a little busy. It is my goal this year to catch up on everything that has and will back to the title of my post.

I can talk with the best of people. I have been known to ramble, bitch, whine, and even interrupt other with my verbal diarrhea, but I really enjoy silence. I am not the type of teacher that can let my students get above a certain decibel level or really enjoy a meal in a really loud restaurant. I love silence, I love whispering, I love being able to communicate with a mere look- sadly my husband does not. Don't get me wrong- I love the man, will till the day I die- but he doesn't pick up on the need for silence in a room. He speaks loudly, he interrupts (more than I do) and he rambles....boy can this guy ramble. I truly believes that he loves the sound of his own voice and will look for any situation to hear it- for example during the climatic moments of Celebrity Rehab w/ Dr. Drew. Is it so much for a girl to want to hear the dialog leading up to some druggie going into a seizure??!

If the husband continues like this we are going to have to issue the quiet game- first one who talks loses....

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