New goal....

I plan on wearing a dres everyday this week. Not a huge goal, or even impressive for that matter- but something I want to do so I can feel girly and fabulous as much as I can. I have bought 6 dresses to add to my collection, all within the past few weeks.

So watch out world...Melissa is wearing a dress, everyday.

Ready for a new outlook...

I have been struggling, begging, pleading, and wanting a 3rd grade position at my school and after months of this will I won't I soap opera...the reigning hand of the district sweeps in and awards the position to someone who I consider sub par.

I need a change. This year has been beyond draining and for a typically pesimistic person- this year has gone too far. I have lost myself in the blanket of negativity and I have lost my way. I am not happy professionally and it is really effecting my everyday life.

But when did it get so bad? Was it the added stress of working on my masters, the stress of being a newlywed and wanting to nest in a house of our own, or is it just a huge underlining dissatifaction of myself? Am I truely where I thought I would be?

As the big 2-6 rounds the corner I am weighed dow with so many questions on where I am going. Nothing seems certain right now and for a person who is as big as a planner as I am- this is an unwelcomed roller coaster. I want to find that piece of mind that has slipped from my possession. I want to feel successful, healthy, happy.And for some reason this all comes back to a job, a position, a title. I want to know I am going to be ok without it.