10 weeks- self absorbed

10 weeks ago I found out that I was 9 weeks pregnant.

In a way this was the perfect time for it to happen- but it still came as a big surprise. Matt and I had talked about kids, but we had wanted a few things in place first. 1) Marriage-check 2) a House-check 3) finish my masters- check (as of Dec 11th)...so according to our check list the stars were aligned. Even though that may have been it wasn't like we were really trying. I had been diagnosed with PCOS, undiagnosed, and re-diagnosed with PCOS over the past 9 years of my life. My new doctor came out and said what other doctors had hinted at- pregnancy wouldn't necessarily just happen for us. We knew that medication was most likely going to come into play and that it would involve a lot of planning, waiting, and planning some more. Although by nature I am a HUGE planner, pregnancy was something I didn't want to have to work at. I didn't know if I could really survive the cycles of disappointment I had seen so many other women go through. I mean I have friends who have been trying for years with no luck- I don't know if I am that strong.

So Matt and I had just been going on our married way with the idea of kids on the back burner. It was a discussion we had, but not a plan in place. Then one day I brushed my teeth, threw up, called my mother, and took a test. Almost instantly the pink positive sign appeared and I shouted for Matt to come read the directions to me out loud- I mean I always thought that it was supposed to take a couple of minutes- but this sucker was positive in less than 2 seconds. It took several home pregnancies tests, 48 hours, and 2 doctor's visits for it really to sink- but the realest moment was our first ultrasound. Inside of me was a 9 week old baby doing somersaults and I had no idea it was even going on.

It is amazing how quickly your life can change- and in this case for the better. While we have had a share of scares in the past 2 months our lives are about to change more than we ever realized. Andrew James Hamende will join our family on or near October 1st- we are going to be parents.