Maybe I am a little more emo than I thought...

Last night, before the movie started, my friend aksed me for an opinion. Always willing to give my honest viewpoint to those in my inner circle, I was a little surprised when the question was, "What song should I have as a ring tone for you on my phone." Being a music person I never knew this question would be so hard to answer. Gini was giving suggestions: Weezer, a rap song, something from our Star Ranch era, punk, or somethign emo. For some reason the emo thing caught me by surprise. Emo today is shit like Tokoyo Hotel and a whole other slew of 20 years olds with too much make up and too much forced pain. But then I stepped back to evaluate my emoness.

My emo side really established itself in college. A girl on her own away from my parents and my musical tastes were growing each and everyday. I had a hard life at times leading up to college, but it was always something I was witness too, I tried to avoid participation as much as possible. In college though, I could not escape the drama. I brought it on myself, I brought boys, sex, jealous, independence, and confusion all into the mix of things. I started assigning music to a very confusing "sound track" of my life. Mixed cd's encompassed my cd collection and depending on my mood, my walkman would rotate from my "man hater" mix, to my "going out musical montage", and finally to my "reflection" mix. I pulled out these mix's last night and I slowly started to realize that I was emo before emo was a lifestyle. I didn't ever wear skinny jeans, flat iron my hair, or shop exclusively at Hot Topic....but my music, my soundtrack, my tastes were very emotional, angry, hurt, reflective, and deep.

So what all this blabber means is, yes- I can be emo in musical tastes, but I needed to set the record straight that I am not a 16 yo poser who is trying to be an outsider. Music will continue to be there in my life, making memories more memorable.

And to prove how emo I am friend chose the ever appropiate- Fergolicious- for my ring tone. I mean, let's be honest, we all know I make dem boys go loco.